The Via Flavia was an ancient Roman road that connected Trst/Trieste (ancient Tergeste) to Dalmatia. The road passes through Poreč/Parentium, Pula/Pola, Visače/Nesactium, crossing Arsia River, and continuing to Labin/Albona, Kastav/Castra where it joined Via Annia to Dalmatia. The road was built during the reign of emperor Vespasian (around 78/79 AD).

A viewpoint to the Raša valley, from where you can see two water sources (Mutvice and Grdak) and the course of the Raša river

The Road continues on the other side of the Raša valley

The Roman road was the border between Venice and the Austrian Empire

On the trail you can find one small water source

surrounded with potential (looks like) old buildings

Potential traces of carts

the last 10m of the trail is a little bit difficult to pass

Paliurus spina-christi

The river Raša was the border between Histria and Liburnia

Brodina – near the water mill there was a crossing over the Raša river

A viewpoint Gurla from the bottom of the trail

The trail is about 6,5km long, as a part of Via Flavia from Jurićev kal to Arsia river

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