by RobertoB | Mar 28, 2024 | Hike, Natural Attractions, Region
Krka National Park is situated along the Krka River in southern Croatia. Skradin is the gateway (from see) to the Krka waterfalls. Skradin has a rich, ancient history, dating from 33 BC. A play of forest, rock, and water Ducks in formation Church at the entrance First...
by RobertoB | Feb 5, 2024 | Hike, Region
Located in the Notranjska region, in Slovenia. Easy about a 1-hour hike to the top of the hill. A 1027-meter-high peak With a view of Triglav ( 2864m) A view of Snežnik ( 1796m) – the highest mountain in Notranjska A view of Karavanke Kamnik – Savinja Alps...
by RobertoB | Jan 7, 2024 | Cultural Heritage, Hike, Istra, MTB
The Via Flavia was an ancient Roman road that connected Trst/Trieste (ancient Tergeste) to Dalmatia. The road passes through Poreč/Parentium, Pula/Pola, Visače/Nesactium, crossing Arsia River, and continuing to Labin/Albona, Kastav/Castra where it joined Via Annia to...
by RobertoB | Nov 7, 2023 | Hike, Istra
Gomila is a 1207 meters high peak located in Čićarija. The starting point of the trail is a small village Rašpor, 693 meters above the sea level. St. Nicholas church named for the first time 1385 and reconstructed in 1585 an later in 1814. Water source near the...
by RobertoB | Oct 15, 2023 | Hike, Region
The hike starts from the parking just before the Rifugio Cornisello. You arrive at the parking by a 12km long narrow asphalted road from Sant’Antonio di Mavignola, a small place located approx halfway between Pinzolo and Madonna di Campiglio. First you came to...
by RobertoB | Oct 9, 2023 | Hike, Region
Located in Trentino region in Italy, in the Val di Breguzzo. La Cascata della Cravatta is a 60-meter-high waterfall of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level. On the way you pass by the river Rio Roldone, which is famous for...
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